Set up VLC for the VLC Remote

NB: It is much easier to do this setup with the Setup Helper.

NB: These setup instructions are for VLC 2.1 or later. If you are using an earlier version of VLC, then please click here.

A) Enable the HTTP Interface

  1. Open the VLC settings
    • VLC Menu/Preferences
  2. Click 'Show All' to show the advanced settings
  3. show all prefs

  4. Enable the interface
    • Click on Interface, then Main interfaces
    • Select the 'Web' checkbox.
      • This should show 'http' in the text box
  5. Mac Prefs


B) Set your password

win prefs

  1. Click on the Lua icon on the left
    • Enter a password under Lua HTTP
  2. The default password we use is 'vlcremote' if you use this password, then the remote will connect automatically without you needing to re-enter your password.
  3. Click save to save your preferences
  4. Quit VLC and reopen it.

C) Check that your firewall allows connections to VLC

Launch the System Preferences application, then click on Security and then Firewall

The simplest option (the one I use) is to simply leave the firewall off - but assuming you have it turned on then click on the lock on the bottom left to unlock the settings, then click on advanced on the bottom right.

allow all connections

Make sure that you specify that VLC should allow incoming connections


D) That's it!

By now, you should be able to see your computer in the VLC Remotes page under 'Found Computers'. If VLC is running on your computer, then you should see a Traffic cone next to the computer entry.

You can then select that computer and control it remotely.


If you can't connect, try the troubleshooting page.